Sunday 29 December 2013

How To Research Keywords

What is Keywords 

When a user or person use search engines and enter words or group of words for searching his or her query in search engine, words used by user is called keywords.

Example – A user of search engine want to search hotels in Delhi. User  open Google and in the search bar of search engine user put words like “hotels in Delhi”,”best hotels in Delhi”, and a list of results search engine provide according to search words. So these words are called keywords.

How To Select keywords

Now question is how to select keywords for our website or our business to reach desired traffic. Keywords research is very important before promote our website on search engines .First think as user and write down keywords on a paper and make a list of words. Discuss with friends and take advice how they will search your business on search engines. Here one thing is very much important that hotels in Delhi and only “hotels “ these two words are relative to hotels but if u are searching hotels in Delhi, if u select “hotel “ as keywords it will not give u specific traffic which related to your hotel search. Keep in minds that use keywords that are specifically related to your business. Do not select very general keywords. Mean always useful traffic is important .

KEYWORDS Selection

Now finally make a list of keywords those are target your business and relevance according to your business and use keywords planning tool for final list, in next or later modules for our training we will discuss these tools.

Monday 23 December 2013

What is SEO Hosting & Class C I.P Address

What is SEO Hosting & Class c I.P Address

When we host a website its compulsory to store Web Pages on a server .it mean that when we usually host a website on a server, mean when we store Web Pages in a server an I.P address given to every domain name, and we mention a name for internal pages .When a user request a particular domain name or URL, request goes to server and server fulfill that request and we able to open that page.

Now question is that how server identify that particular domain or url .So as I told u on above paragraph that every domain name or url or web page has a unique I.p address when we send a request to server mean we request a particular i.p address .Server understand  that ip address and send page to user i.p address


I.P address is 32 bit address like here every ip address has four parts separated by a dot If we start designation from first part of the I.p address as A Than we can say second part B, Third part C and fourth part D.


Now third part of I.P address or C CLASS is very much impotent for hosting in Search Engines Point of view. In SEO hosting, Hosting  company Host our website pages at different or separate C class I.P address from other website they hosted.

 Because in next modules when we read about back linking in Off page SEO, We Understand that Search Engines Count back Links From I.P address .If  we get back links from websites which are hosted on same server where our website is hosted Search Engine count those website from Same webmaster and read it as spam .

Now we understand that SEO hosting mean different C class I.p Address for hosting a website 

Saturday 14 December 2013

SEO Training Module 1-SEO Domain Name Sections

Domain Name Definition

Domain name represent a unique internet address or name for a website .if we want to open or access any website we have to write its name in web browser .unique mean only one domain name for each website .To understand we consider a example, a person want to design or create a website for SEO Training and he choose Domain name and register this domain than no other person can register that domain. This approach is very important for internet user’s to uniquely identify a website .Every domain name link to an IP address.

SEO Training Service Domain
SEO Training Jaipur Domain Name

Domain Name Selection for SEO

1. Do Not Use hyphen in Domain its be a sign of spam because search engines are not human   search engines only understand meaning of words , characters , so do not book domain name like seo-training-service
2. Try to get short and easy to remember domain name
3. Try to Avoid numbers in domain name
4. Book top level domain like
5. Domain name also a ranking factor so try to use keywords rich domain name

Wednesday 11 December 2013

SEO Training Module

What is Search Engine Optimization ?

SEO - Search Engine Optimization is Process to make web page or document search engine friendly with organic methods mean by Google guidelines to get higher ranking in the search results for example when a user enter keyword in search bar search engine give list of results relevance to that keywords .search engine provide list of pages for that keywords but user normally interested on first page in page list.

Mean for a particular keywords only first page of search result get traffic .So every body want his website first page of search engine to get traffic search engine optimization help website to get higher ranking in search results. 

SEO Training Jaipur

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) TRAINING MODULE

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Training Modules 1 

Domain Name Selection
SEO Hosting

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Training Modules 2

Keywords Search 
Type of Keywords

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Training Modules 3-On Page SEO

  • Competitor Analysis
  • Domain Name Optimization 
  • Canonicalization
  • FILE Name Optimization 
  • Title Optimization 
  • Content Optimization                  
    SEO Training jaipur
  • Html Site Map Creation
  • Xml Site Map Creation
  • Adding 404 Error Page
  • LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) 
  • Meta Tags Optimization 
  • Header Tag Optimization 
  • Anchor Optimization 
  • Image Optimization 
  • Keywords Density 
  • Keywords Proximity 
  • Keywords Prominence 
  • W3C Walidation                                                                               

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Training Module 4-Off page SEO

    SEO Training Jaipur
  • Search Engine Submission 
  • Directory Submission
  •  Local Directory Submission 
  • Social Bookmarking 
  • Blog Writing 
  • Blog Commenting 
  • Forums Posting 
  • Article Submissions                   
  • Press Release 
  • Social Networking 
  • Link Exchange
  • Content Sharing
  • Classified Submission  
  • Video Submission
  • Guest Posting
  • RSS Directory Submission

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Training Module 5-Advanced

  •   Search Engine Tools
  • Domain Ranking Factors
  •  Page Level Ranking Factors
  •  Site Level  Ranking Factors
  • Back Link Ranking Factors
  • User Level Ranking Factor
  • Special Algorithm Rules
  • Social Signals 
  • Brand Signals
  • On Site Web Spam Factors
  •  Google Panda Update
  •  Google Penguin Update
  •  Google Hummingbird Update

Search Engine and its Classification

Search Engine

Search engine is set of programs or a software system that enable user for search  information or document available on World wide Web according to search term     or Keywords . Google ,Yahoo ,Bing 

Crawler Based Search Engine

Web crawler or spider is automated software that browses World Wide Web and read content available on web pages and follow link from one page to another page with the help of link, spider can reach billions on interconnected webpages.Crawler based search engine uses web crawler or spider to index web pages or its content and link according to relevance keywords

Google and Yahoo is Crawler based Search Engines

Human Powered directory

 This type of Search engine do not use crawler or spider to update and indexing in their data base these type of search engine Depend on human editors to create their listings. Manually we can submit description about a website and we can choose a category and submit website in these types of search engines example open directory and  yahoo directory

Hybrid Search Engine

Hybrid search engine-this type of search engines provide search results with the help of crawler and directory most of the search engines now going to be hybrid Google is now hybrid search engine

Meta Search Engines

When this type of search engines receive user request of keywords than request send to other search engines or database and combine the results into single list for display meta search engines create virtual data base they receive user request and send it to some other data base and give the results